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somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond any experience, your eyes have their silence: in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me, or which i cannot touch because they are too near your slightest look easily will unclose me though i have closed myself as fingers, [continue here]
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Sunday, July 1, 2012
4:16 AM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus dapibus eros sed nunc aliquet condimentum. Nullam auctor ullamcorper ipsum, vel porttitor purus viverra sit amet. Nunc convallis dictum lobortis. Nulla vitae tellus ut nisl auctor euismod eu eget turpis. Vivamus consectetur pretium orci, eget dignissim sapien tristique in. Integer euismod aliquam blandit. Quisque volutpat, ipsum at fringilla scelerisque, lacus massa scelerisque nunc, quis blandit est nisi non odio. Donec a sem turpis.
Curabitur vehicula egestas rutrum. Sed semper vehicula aliquet. Donec vel nisl ligula. Donec vitae semper justo. Nullam auctor odio at nisl scelerisque malesuada. Proin a magna arcu. Praesent sit amet diam at justo pellentesque malesuada vitae sit amet diam. 
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc a nibh turpis. Mauris eget massa orci, vitae eleifend massa. Vivamus et erat eu sem pretium venenatis. Sed ac enim at dui sollicitudin facilisis vel ut est. Integer nec turpis justo. Nam suscipit dolor a nibh congue ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vitae ligula ut nulla volutpat molestie vitae non massa. Praesent in tortor purus.

(photo by here)

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Saturday, June 30, 2012
4:17 AM
During the March holidays, 45th GB held its annual March Camp at the BB/GB campsite. This camp served as a bonding camp for everyone to get to know each other better, especially for the new Sec 1s. The camp theme for this year was “Ohana”. “Ohana”, the Hawaiian term for “family”, means “no one gets left behind or forgotten”. We learnt to share God’s love with each and every girl from 45th and accept them as who they are so that we can be a happy Ohana in Christ :) This year’s March camp was filled with fun and excitement and everyone enjoyed it very much!
We started our camp with a Captain’s Address by Captain Sally Wong. After that, we had a session of worship and devotion, followed by group time and icebreakers! We had lots of fun getting to know our new group mates through games :)
Following that, we set off for the GB/BB campsite, which would be our home for the next 3 days! After checking in and getting our dormitories ready, we had station games :) The station games were themed to the literary classic Romeo & Juliet by Shakespeare. Our assistant group leaders led their respective groups around the campsite, where various stations were held.

 Part of March camp post @ 45th GB blog

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012
4:21 AM
On the 12th of May 2012, half of GTE (ie. Yiwei and Faith) had an unexpected PSA at our future school (if we even survive till then), ~*Raffles Institution*~. Being individuals leading pathetic and boring lives devoid of excitement, we were desperate for an adventure to spice up our otherwise mundane lives. Hence, we found ourselves drawn towards RI on a sunny Saturday morning; Not very long after the break of dawn, we were subconsciously travelling to RI for no apparent reason ... or not? 

Alas! We had so clearly forgotten amidst the grey, lifeless neverending plain that is our life about the ORA fair taking place that day. With much trepidation, the two of us approached the ORA fair, suppressing our shared fear of crowds that schizophrenics as us usually suffer from. Unbeknownst to us at that time, we were about to embark on a life-changing PSA that very day.

After a few lifeless hours spent around the fair wasting money here and there and everywhere, we were ready to give up. There wasn't anything remotely interesting about ORA ... or so we thought. Just as Yiwei was about to whip out her cellphone to request a lift back home in her father's car (this is starting to sound like a poorly-written primary school compo), she spotted the love of her life, Flaty, from a distance. Yiwei spent a few blissful moments admiring the pure beauty and professionalism of her beloved from afar before waving at Flaty to attract her attention.

Flaty, being absolutely adorable and friendly as usual, waved back! And to our shock, Flaty's extremely cute little green cat was there too hee hee! :D. Oh, such a lovely cat the colour of the sea (although looking quite pissed as usual). We were ecstatic. Unfortunately, both of them had to move on for their melodious co-corriculum activity. But just in time, it was our turn to begin another perilous journey at: 410's haunted house.

With a stroke of luck, both of us managed to survive the clawing mad doctors and creepy undead patients inside. It was fun to see another kind of creepy once in a while :> Being forever hungry as usual, we went to flea's house for green and orange food. 

We must have been very lucky that day, for on our way there, we met the love of Faith's life, Mouse! The unpro Faith tried to hide behind the ever so tall  Yiwei from her beloved but of course, nothing escapes Mouse's eyes. Not knowing how to cherish the moment, Faith passively let it passed and Mouse was gone.

And we must have been veryvery lucky that day, because for some unfathomable reason, the love of Yiwei's life, Flaty, together with her cute l.g.c, was at Flea's house, buying their orange and blue food too! However, being of too near distance to a feline both of us had to retreat lest we died from a heart attack.

**To protect readers from over-exposure to socially unacceptable acts, the following section of our adventure has been very kindly removed.**

Anyway somewhere along our adventure there, we went into the RJ side and observed these really cute cats :') which are orange and grey and you've probably seen their photos everywhere on our blogs/twitters.

This concludes our last PSA in a long time ... or not?

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